Tuesday, July 28, 2009

My heart for Sparkle

Ok, I'm back... true to form it's been over 3 months! But I really wanted to share my heart about our upcoming women's conference SPARKLE. Some of you may have never attended a women's conference so you're not aware of the many benefits that accompany such an event! Besides being tons of fun, connecting with other women, being pampered, winning prizes and receiving gifts, the most important benefit OF ALL (and the reason we're having a conference!) is that you will hear from God and grow closer to him!

Many times it takes a special event like camp, a retreat, or a conference to help us get away from our normal, busy lives and just set aside some time to invest in our spiritual health! When we set aside this time, and sacrifice some of our resources, God honors that and shows up in a big way! He wants to speak to us, his daughters, and encourage us and plant dreams in our hearts! It was at a conference 4 years ago that God spoke to me about speaking and ministering to women! And as a shy accountant who was afraid to speak in front of others, it has totally changed my life! And after being so blessed and challenged at other women's conferences that I've attended, I felt like God was calling me to bring that blessing here to River Valley and to the women of our community.

So please know that my heart for this conference is for YOU to come and hear from our amazing God - the creator of the universe! He loves you and wants you to position yourself to hear from him! So set aside a couple days, budget for the cost (even sacrifice - God honors sacrifice!!) and get yourself ready to be challenged and changed forever! I guarantee you won't leave the same!

Lots of love and sparkles!
Becca : )

PS. See you in September!! Register now at www.sparkleconference.org!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

April Fool's!

No, this isn't a joke, I'm actually blogging! So sorry for the lapse... here's what has gone on since January: we did a live worship recording at our February Chick Night and the final product will be coming out on Mother's Day weekend - it's going to be AMAZING! Went to Miami to Dave Wilkerson's church, had a new babies brunch, went to Cabo San Lucas for an INCREDIBLE week of sun and relaxation, celebrated the 1-year anniversary of the Faribault campus, had breakfast with all the pastor's wives (at Jensen's YUM), had Sister-Chicks, Chick Night meetings and Sparkle meetings...

Speaking of SPARKLE! : ) The website will be up this weekend and just wait until you see it!! Our marketing dept rocks! And the Save the Date cards are sparklicious! I will be at the Bridging the Gap conference this weekend to promote Sparkle, so stop by and see me! And don't forget about the Kingdom Builders breakfast THIS Saturday morning with Paul Scanlon! He is going to bring it!! Cya there!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Happy New Year!

Ok, so it's a couple weeks into the new year already so I better get blogging! I just need to thaw out my fingers first so I can type!! Yesterday when I took the kids to school it was -27!! Are you kidding me?! I thought those temps were only for Alaska and Siberia! Cabo San Lucas sounds SO good right now...

So we're preparing for an incredible year of Chick Nights, In the Pink, and the Sparkle conference! The meetings have begun and we have a photo shoot scheduled for the print material for Sparkle. It's going to be SOOO cool! I hope you'll get involved with what God is going to do in and through the River Valley Women this year! Our first Chick Night is tomorrow night at 6:30pm at the Apple Valley campus. I'm going to be sharing on how to balance our hectic lives so I'd love to see you there! It's going to be an awesome year!!