Monday, November 24, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

It's Thanksgiving week and I'm getting prepared to have the Ketterling crew at our house on Thursday! It's a good thing they're not expecting me to cook too! : ) I bought a 19lb turkey but Rob's mom is going to stuff it for me. And then everyone else is going to bring a dish too. I can handle that! We usually eat around 1pm, watch a little football, go to a Disney movie matinee with all the kids (I know it sounds weird to go to a movie on Thanksgiving but it's become a fun tradition) and then come back for dessert around 5pm. A fun day to spend with family and friends and reflect on the past year of blessings in our lives. God is SO good to us and I hope you will all be truly thankful for his amazing faithfulness! Let the festivities begin!

Thursday, November 13, 2008


Ok, so I'm revealing the name of our conference (and also what my house is doing now that I've put my Christmas stuff up) - SPARKLE!! For those of you that know me, you know I love everything that sparkles so that is an appropriate name for our conference! Of course it also refers to us shining or "sparkling" the joy, peace and fulfillment that a relationship with Jesus Christ brings! There's a great song that we're singing right now that says. "I want to shine for you, be a light to this world, and let the whole earth know that YOU are king..." I love that song! We are all called to shine (or sparkle) in this world so let's make sure we are doing our best to represent our AMAZING God! So please be in prayer about the conference - we are 10 months out!!

PS. My decorating is complete with 5 trees this year - 3 fully decorated and 2 with just white lights! Now I just need Rob to hang up the white icicles on the house! SPARKLE away...

Saturday, November 1, 2008

I'm Back!

Ok, so I was honest with how often I would not be blogging! I promise I will get better! Wow - a lot has happened since my first post! We had an incredible trip to Europe where Rob finished up his teaching for John Maxwell's Million Leader's Mandate. Then we were able to spend 2 amazing days in Rome! A week later I had the privilege of attending the Live the Dream women's conference down in Baton Rouge, LA! It was fantastic and we got SO many great ideas...

So, my stretch now is that we are beginning to plan for our very own conference! Our first planning meeting is coming up on November 11th. We have so much to do!! But we're praying that God will meet us and smile upon us as we plan and prepare to bless the women of this community and state! God has so much in store for all of us and it's so exciting to see where He is going to take us on this journey! So be in prayer about how YOU can be a part of this awesome conference! Email me at and let me know how God is stretching you out of your comfort zone!

Ok, I'm off to start my Christmas decorating - after all it is November 1st!!!